11 research outputs found

    Young researchers of the Barents Region

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    The role of labor potential in the sustainable development of the Russian Arctic

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    The key to the effective development of the Arctic resources is the active development of elements of the socio-economic systems of the Arctic territories. The progress in their use will provide a synergistic effect in the implementation of the full range of development priorities of the Arctic zone. One of these elements is labor potential, able to confront challenges in the Arctic effectively. Modern problems of the development of the labor potential of the Arctic territories are population decline, disruption of population reproduction processes, the low life expectancy of men and native people, social tensions in labor markets, and poverty. The provisions and conclusions of the presented study contain a scientifically substantiated position regarding the role of labor potential in the sustainable development of the Arctic territories of Russia. The research results are focused on their use for managing the development of the labor potential of the Arctic territories. Prospects for the further research of this topic are related to the study of the scientific foundations of the territorial self-development in achieving sustainable development of the Arctic territories of Russia

    Threats to the Sustainable Development of the Russian Arctic: Poverty

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    The modern paradigm of the theory and practice of social development is the concept of sustainable development, the emergence and spread of which was associated with the emphasis on environmental pollution and overpopulation of the planet against the background of limited natural resources. Today, sustainable development is defined as the result of the interaction of a man, the economic system, and nature at the global, national, regional, and local levels. It is expressed, to a certain extent, by economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Modern goals in the field of sustainable development are to promote green growth, rational environmental management, ensuring access to quality health and education services, and improving the well-being of the population. The latter implies, first, the reduction of multidimensional poverty, the numerous groups of social localization, i.e., disabled people, families with children, single-parent families, and ethnic minorities. The aim of the study is to assess the level and extent of poverty and its social localization in the framework of achieving sustainable development of the regions of the Russian Arctic. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the rates and proportions of sustainable development of the Russian Arctic depend on the qualitative state of human potential (carried by the population). The qualitative state of human potential depends on the level of well-being of the population, which determines the degree of satisfaction of needs for benefits and access to social services. Poverty as a socio-economic phenomenon creates threats of degradation of human potential. The research hypothesis is based on the understanding that poverty is a systemic factor that limits the possibilities of a high-quality reproduction of human potential and, accordingly, promising opportunities for achieving sustainable development in the Russian Arctic. The research methods were a statistical analysis of the socio-economic situation of families with children in the regions of the Russian Arctic, as well as an analysis of regulatory legal documents governing measures of social support for families, motherhood, paternity, and childhood. The research results are focused on their use for achieving sustainable development of the Russian Arctic

    Neoliberal governance, sustainable development and local communities in the Barents Region

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    There are currently high hopes in the Barents Region for economic growth, higher employment and improved well-being, encouraged by developments in the energy industry, tourism and mining. The article discusses these prospects from the perspective of local communities in five locations in the region, which spans the northernmost counties of Finland, Norway, Sweden and Northwest Russia. The communities studied are remote, relatively small, multicultural, and dependent on natural resources. The salient dynamic illuminated in the research is how ideas of sustainability and neoliberal governance meet in community development. While the two governmentalities often conflict, they sometimes also complement one another, posing a paradox that raises concerns over the social aspect of sustainable development in particular. The article is based on international, multidisciplinary research drawing on interviews as well as statistical and documentary analysis

    Оценка влияния динамики инвестиций на рост валового регионального продукта в регионах Севера и Арктической зоны Российской Федерации

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    This article presents results of a study conducted using mathematical and statistical modelling of regional economic specifics of the Russian Northern and Arctic regions in comparison to the national economic trend. The research continues a series of works on modelling the dynamics of GRP production aimed at improving the measurement quality of the interaction between the main production factors and assessing the specificity of their influence on the economic growth in the regions under review. The article considers the impact of investments on the GRP production in the Northern and Arctic regions is argued which is determined by a new approach to the management of these territories through the formation of support zones of development based on the implementation of interconnected different scale investment projects. Mathematical and statistical modelling of GRP production in the Northern and Arctic regions and the Russian Federation as a whole was carried out using the multiplicative production function and the CES production function. For the eight regions of the North [Karelia, Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk region, Nenets autonomous area, Yamal-Nenets autonomous area, Republic of Tuva, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka territory, and Magadan region] and for the Russian Federation as a whole, were matched variants of a model, linking GRP with investments. For four constituent entities (Murmansk region, Sakhalin region, Khanty-Mansi autonomous area - Yugra, and Chukotka autonomous area), it was not possible to select such variants of the model. In this regard the authors point out that there is a need for further improvement of mathematical and statistical modelling of the dependence of economic development of the regions on the dynamics of investment activity.Данная публикация отражает результаты исследования с использованием математико-статистического моделирования региональных особенностей экономического развития Севера и Арктической зоны Российской Федерации в сравнении с общероссийским экономическим трендом. Исследование продолжает серию работ авторов по моделированию динамики производства на основе показателя валового регионального продукта (ВРП) с целью повышения качества измерения взаимодействия основных факторов производства, адекватной оценки специфики их влияния на экономический рост в рассматриваемых регионах страны. Аргументирована актуальность анализа влияния инвестиций на производство ВРП, определяемая новым подходом к управлению северными и арктическими территориями России посредством формирования опорных зон развития на основе реализации взаимосвязанных инвестиционных проектов разного масштаба. Проведено математико-статистическое моделирование факторов динамики производства ВРП в регионах Севера, Арктики и Российской Федерации в целом с использованием мультипликативной производственной функции и производственной функции CES. Для восьми регионов Севера [Республика Карелия, Республика Коми, Архангельская область, Ненецкий автономный округ, Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ, Республика Тыва, Республика Саха (Якутия), Камчатский край, Магаданская область] и Российской Федерации в целом были подобраны варианты модели, отображающие взаимосвязь роста ВРП и динамики инвестиций. Для четырех субъектов Российской Федерации - Мурманской и Сахалинской областей, Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры, Чукотского автономного округа - адекватные варианты моделей подобрать не удалось. В этой связи авторами обоснована необходимость дальнейшего совершенствования математико-статистического моделирования зависимости экономического развития регионов от динамики инвестиционной деятельности

    A novel TNFR1-triggered apoptosis pathway mediated by class IA PI3Ks in neutrophils

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    The most common form of neutrophil death is apoptosis. In the present study, we report surprising differences in the molecular mechanisms used for caspase activation between FAS/CD95-stimulated and TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1)-stimulated neutrophils. Whereas FAS-induced apoptosis was followed by caspase-8 activation and required Bid to initiate the mitochondrial amplification loop, TNF-?-induced apoptosis involved class IA PI3Ks, which were activated by MAPK p38. TNF-?-induced PI3K activation resulted in the generation of reactive oxygen species, which activated caspase-3, a mechanism that did not operate in neutrophils without active NADPH oxidase. We conclude that in neutrophils, proapoptotic pathways after TNFR1 stimulation are initiated by p38 and PI3K, but not by caspase-8, a finding that should be considered in anti-inflammatory drug-development strategies